Ayurveda BG

Our Awards & Recognitions

Dr K.S.Gangadharan

Recognising and honouring the hard work and determination

Dr K.S.Gangadharan has been venerated with many awards and recognitions. The paramount among these are ASHTANGARATHNA AWARD by the GOVT OF KERALA in the year 2013, NEHRU PEACE FOUNDATION AWARD for the best performance in the field of Ayurveda in the year 2003 -2004, other recognitions are felicitation by ARYA VAIDYA PHARMACY, GOLDEN JUBILEE AWARD by Ayurveda Mandalam. Nangelil Excellence Award in 2010. Excellence award by Ayurveda Medical association Of India in 2006, recognition by MathaAmrithanandamay for his contribution in the field of Ayurveda etc.