Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is defined as ovarian dysfunction characterized by increased androgen production. The disease acquired its name due to the ultrasound examination of the ovary showing multiple (poly) cysts. The cysts are immatured follicles. About 80% of affected women will have classic cysts in ovary. PCOD may cause an increased risk of cardio-vascular disease, miscarriage, type-2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia. The disease is very common in young women of reproductive age.Ayurvedic View
The disease occurs due to doshas mainly kapha affecting the digestive fire and thereby affecting the metabolism. The pitta and kapha being vitiated contaminates the rasa dhatu (nutrient plasma) and arthava dhatu (reproductive system). This causes accumulation of toxins in the channels of reproductive system, which in turn results in formation of cysts in ovary and other menstrual disorders.
- Genetic cause
- Hormonal imbalance
- Unhealthy life-style
- Insulin resistance
- Risk factors include :- lack of physical exercise and obesity
Signs & Symptoms
- Menstrual disorders :- maybe irregular or scanty or absent or heavy menstrual periods
- Acne and increased hair growth
- Intermittent ovulation or anovulation
- Difficulty in getting pregnant
- Associated conditions include obesity, heart disease, mood disorders, obstructive sleep apnea
- Physical examination
- Laboratory examinationto test
- Fasting cholestrol
- Glucose tolerance test
- Abnormal increase of hormones
- Ultrasonograpy
Fibroid uterus or Leiomyomas are benign tumors of muscular wall of uterus, mainly the smooth muscles are invloved. The disease is commonly seen in nulliparous women, and in between the age group of 30-40. After menopause, they usually decrease in size. It is the most comon pelvic tumor. They are not detectable before puberty.Ayurvedic View
The doshas especially kapha invades the fat, muscle and blood. It produces a round raised swelling. The mamsa getting vitiated leads to formation of fibroid which is large,hard, studded with vein and having symptoms of aggravation of kapha.
- Genetic factor
- Common in low parity
- Associated with endometriosis
- Risk factors include :- obesity, over consumption of red-meat
Signs & Symptoms
- Initially asymptomatic
- Depends on the size and location of fibroid
- Abdominal discomfort
- Abnormal uterine bleeding
- Mucoid discharge due to pelvic congestion
- Frequent or retained micturition
- Intermittent colicky pain
- Infertility in about 5-10% patients
- Laboratory examination to detect anemia
- Pelvic examination
- Gynecologic ultrasonography