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Ayurvedic Medicine

Ulset Family

A pure herbal product for stomach related problems. For Acidity, gastritis, loss of appetite. gas trouble, belching, sour erructation, acid peptic disease (APD), irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) etc

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Ulset Family
Keeps gastric problems at

About Ulset

Ulset is a time tested ayurvedic medicine from Shankar pharmacy which has been in use for over 60 years. Many hospitals, ayurvedic colleges and ayurvedic doctors are using this medicine across south India and has found excellent result with this product.

Ulset gives good result for gastric complaints like acidity, gas trouble, abdominal pain due to various reasons like gastritis, erosions etc. Ingredients like kutaja, madhuyashti, kumara, navasara, karaskara etc ensures that quick and effective results are obtained. It is found to be an excellent carminative antacid.

Clinical trials

Shankar Pharmacy has done extensive studies before this product was brought out for marketing, almost 87% of the patients responded positively when administered with ulset, showing some kind of improvement in their symptoms related to stomach . Among this 17% of the patients showed a slight increase in symptoms like pain and burning sensation (This is due to the healing process) However about 8% of the patients were neutral showing no increase of decrease in symptoms . 3% discontinued the treatment due to some reasons unknown. 2% of the patients showed intolerence to the medicine and complained of increase in their symptoms.


Although ulset is found to be a very safe medicine which can be used for prolonged periods without any side effects it is always advised that the medicine should be used in the recommended dosage.


Patients may pass dark stools while taking the medicine.


The last decade has been a boom for the ayurvedic industry taking it to international level and safety is now a major concern. Ulset is a purely ayurvedivc medicine which has no side effects and can be taken for prolonged periods. However in some cases there is a little weight loss when taken for months together. Pregnant women and lactating woman can use this safely provided they use it as per the directions given.

Ulset Capsule

Ulset Family

PRESENTATION : 10×10 blister packed capsules

INDICATION : Acidity, Gastritis, Gas Trouble, Belching, Sour Erructation, Acid Peptic Disease(Apd), Irritable Bowel Syndrome(Ibs) Etc.

DOSAGE : 1 capsule tid or as directed by the physician

NOTES : Some patients reported increase in the pain initially; in which case the dose should be reduced till the pain subside.

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Ingredients Used

  • Kudakappala
  • Adalodakam
  • Elakka
  • Gramboo
  • Chukku
  • Kurumulaku
  • Thippali
  • Irattimadhuram
  • Kattarvhaza
  • Amukkuram
  • Neermaruthu
  • Vaalmulaku
  • Kanjiram sudhi
  • Kutaja
  • Vasa
  • Elam
  • Lavangam
  • Nagaram
  • Maricham
  • Pippali
  • Madhu yasti
  • Kumari
  • Ashwagandha
  • Arjuna
  • Sugandha maricha
  • Karaskaram
Botanical Name
  • Holarrhena antidysenterica
  • Adhatoda vasika
  • Elettaria cardamomum
  • Sizygium aromaticum
  • Zingiber officinale
  • Piper nigrum
  • Piper longum
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra
  • Aloe vera
  • Withania somnifera
  • Terminalia arjuna
  • Piper cubeba
  • Strychnos nuxvomica

Ulset Kids

Ulset Family


INDICATION : Indigestion, Vomiting, Flatulence, Loss Of Appetite, Gas Trouble

DOSAGE : 0-6 months – 15 drops tid, 6 months – 1 yr – 20 drops tid, 1-3 yr – 2.5 ml tid, 3-5 yr – 3 ml tid, 5-7 yr – 4 ml tid, 7-12 yr – 5 ml tid

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Ingredients Used

  • Elakka
  • Gramboo
  • Chukku
  • Kurumulaku
  • Irattimaadhuram
  • Kattarvazha
  • Amukkuram
  • Neermaruthu
  • Valmulaku
  • Kanjiram
  • Then
  • Elam
  • Lavengam
  • Nagaram
  • Maricham
  • Yeshti madhu
  • Kumari
  • Aswangandha
  • Arjuna
  • Sugandha maricha
  • Karaskaram
  • Madhu
Botanical Name
  • Elettaria cardamomum
  • Sizygium aromaticum
  • Zingiber officinale
  • Piper longum
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra
  • Aloe vera
  • Withania somnifera
  • Terminalia arjuna
  • Piper cubeba
  • Strychnos nuxvomica
  • Honey

Ulset Liquid

Ulset Family


INDICATION : Acidity, Gastritis, Loss Of Appetite, Gas Trouble, Belching, Sour Erructation, Acid Peptic Disease (Apd), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs) Etc.

DOSAGE : 2ml with 30 ml boiled and cooled water, three times a day or as directed by the physician

NOTES : Some Patients Reported Increase In The Pain Initially; In Which Case The Dose Should Be Reduced To Half Till The Pain Subside.

Appropriate supportive medicine should be given when treating IBS Etc. Controlled diet avoiding spicy foods and other pitta vitiating foods should be advised.

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Ingredients Used

  • Kudakappala
  • Adalodakam
  • Elakka
  • Gramboo
  • Chukku
  • Kurumulaku
  • Thippali
  • Veepu
  • Irattimadhuram
  • Kattarvazha
  • Amukkuram
  • Neermaruthu
  • Navasara sudhi
  • Kanjiram
  • Valmulaku
  • Then
  • Panchasara (sugar syrup)
  • Kutaja
  • Vasa
  • Elam
  • Lavangam
  • Nagaram
  • Maricham
  • Pippali
  • Nimba
  • Yestimadhu
  • Kumari
  • Ashwagandha
  • Arjuna
  • Navasaram
  • Karaskaram
  • Sugandha maricha
  • Madhu
  • Sarkara
Botanical Name
  • Holarrhena antidysenterica
  • Adhatoda vasika
  • Elettaria cardamomum
  • Sizygium aromaticum
  • Zingiber officinale
  • Piper nigrum
  • Piper longum
  • Azadirachta indica
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra
  • Aloe vera
  • Withania somnifera
  • Terminalia arjuna
  • Sal ammoniac
  • Strychnosnuxvomica
  • Piper cubeba
  • Honey
  • Molasses mellaceum

Ulset Plus

Ulset Family


INDICATION : Acidity, Gastritis, Loss Of Appetite, Gas Trouble, Bleching, Sour Eructation, Acid Peptic Disease (Apd), Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Ibs)

DOSAGE : 2 teaspoon three times a day or as directed by the physician.

NOTES : Some patients reported increase in the pain initially; in which case the dose should be reduced to half till the pain subside.  Appropriate supportive medicine should be given when treating IBS Etc. Controlled diet avoiding spicy foods and other pitta vitiating foods should be advised.

NB: This medicine is made in a syrup base and hence contraindicated for diabetic patients.

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Ingredients Used

  • Kudakappala
  • Adalodakam
  • Elakka
  • Gramboo
  • Chukku
  • Kurumulaku
  • Thippali
  • Irattimadhuram
  • Kattarvazha
  • Amukkuram
  • Neermaruthu
  • Navasara sudhi
  • Kanjiram
  • Valmulaku
  • Then
  • Panchasara (sugar syrup)
  • Kutaja
  • Vasa
  • Elam
  • Lavangam
  • Nagaram
  • Maricham
  • Pippali
  • Yestimadhu
  • Kumari
  • Ashwagandha
  • Arjuna
  • Navasaram
  • Karaskaram
  • Sugandha maricha
  • Madhu
  • Sarkara
Botanical Name
  • Holarrhena antidysenterica
  • Adhatoda vasika
  • Elettaria cardamomum
  • Sizygium aromaticum
  • Zingiber officinale
  • Piper nigrum
  • Piper longum
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra
  • Aloe vera
  • Withania somnifera
  • Terminalia arjuna
  • Sal ammoniac
  • Strychnos nuxvomica
  • Piper cubeba
  • Honey
  • Molasses mellaceum
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